Custom Cigar Labels with each NY Cigar Roller event CF Dominicana provides cigar orders with our clients' initials for a personalization that does not exist with any other cigar brand.
We also have graphics designers to create cigar labels specifically for major events like wedding receptions. We also go into detail to match the color of the theme of the reception.
Company events like corporate golf outing also benefit when we place logos on each cigar presented to remind everyone of the event host while enjoying Dominicana premium cigars.
Charity events benefit as sponsors love the cigar labels created with the sponsor's logo for name visibility at large events.
New York Cigar Servers
New York events are complimented with Cigar Servers, male or female.
Cigar servers are intended for events where there is a large event area. Cigar servers or waitresses also work well with intimate events as they provide an elegant, classic feel when they roam the room serving your guests cigars that your cigar roller is rolling.
When this feature is combined with custom cigar labels on the cigars, guests will know that they are at a special event that is to be respected. Cigar servers work extremely well with corporate events too as they provide a different type of visual not often seen at events.
Your cigar server will have knowledge of the cigars they are serving in the Big Night which impresses aficionados and novices alike.
Cigar servers work better with larger groups of 500 or more so they can float the location and continuously provide the visual that is classic and modest. Cigar staffing brings a sophisticated presentation that works perfectly with upscale New York cigar roller events.
When you fill out the contact form, we may include cigar servers for your New York event or if you absolutely must have a cigar server, simply let us know that is what you would like and we will accommodate. We will never include too many features which will create an overwhelming amount of entertainment considered overkill, rather we will suggest cigar features that will work best for the occasion.
The events department is available during the day Monday through Thursday and we will go into great detail with you to make sure that your vision for your big night is executed perfectly, so fill out the contact form and get a quote.
Look forward to hearing from you.